Facial Recognition Technology

Chinese School Uses Facial Recognition Technology to Make Students Pay Attention

New technology in China is being used in schools to make sure students are paying attention. The innovative software is used to monitor children in primary school. The school has been installing cameras in the fronts of classrooms, but the question is if this is a good thing for the people in school. 
Although this is amazing technology and advances for the world, this could be a bit too much for students, especially those who are so young. Students who were asked about the new facial recognition, said that they were a bit scared of it. If they were ever bored or tired in class they might look away or take a nap. Now, they say, they would not dare get distracted in class because they fear the consequences.
Teachers who were asked about the new system also did not like it as much as you would think. The problem with the cameras at the front of the room for them is that they have to fake their emotions for their bosses.
Their have also been devices by companies made for workers in high-stress jobs. The sensors in the helmet measure the concentration levels of the workers and if it catches them dozing off, an alarm goes off trying to wake them up. 
This new technology could mean big things to come globally in the future. The question is if this is a good or bad thing? Is this too much of an invasion of privacy for students and workers? The way that technology is controlling our lives could end up changing the way we live our lives entirely. 

Chinese School Uses Facial Recognition Technology to Make Students Pay Attention
